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  1. Offense will Start on the 40-yard line.

  2. There will be a coin flip before each game for 1st possession on day one.

  3. On day two (non-pool play games), the higher seed will choose which team gets the ball first (ex. #1 plays #16, #1 gets the ball first).

  4. Player is down when he is touched with one hand below the neck and above the ankle. (NO DIVING see Defensive penalties RULE 10)

  5. QB will have 4.0 seconds to throw. Refs, if NOT using the QB-tee timer, will 3-chop and the 4th chop is the whistle. (Stop watch maybe used as well for verification.)  The four second clock starts on the snap of the ball.

  6. Each team will have one blitz per game (including overtime). HEAD REFEREE & FIELD WILL TRACK.

  7. Running by the offense is permitted.

  8. There are NO untimed downs with the exception of the extra point if a team scores a touchdown as the game time expires, or the result of the play is a DEFENSIVE penalty.

  9. The Field General can stop the clock to ensure proper application of the rules outlined herein.


  1. Maximum number of players on one team is twenty-four (24). Bands will not be issued for more than 24 players.

  2. Players must remain on their sideline during the game.

  3. Players and coaches respect the teams that are playing. Do not warm-up on their sideline.

  4. Please police your own sidelines keeping players back during the game and clean up all trash after your game.

  5. Maximum of four (4) coaches/staff per team.

  6. One Offensive Coach and no more than two players can be on the field (players must be on one knee) during play. 1st time is a warning 2nd time delay of game will be assessed (which IS a loss of down)!  No defensive coaches can be on the field at any time. 1st time is a warning, second is an UN-SPORTSMANLIKE 15 Yard Penalty!

  7. Offense cannot set up on the field until the opposing team reaches the 15-yard line. Penalty is delay of game and a loss of down.

  8. Each game will have at least three (2/3) referees, and a Field General. Coaches will be responsible for signing the final game score sheet after each contest (If available).

  9. The Field Generals will be in charge of maintaining order during the game and ensuring these rules are enforced properly. The Head Official will be responsible for yelling the score to both teams as points are awarded.

  10. Organizations with multiple teams in the same age group: During check in, each player will be given a different color wrist band to represent their team. Once a team is eliminated from tournament play that disqualifies those players on the losing team from further play during that day.  Wristbands are not interchangeable among players. All players must have a wristband to be eligible to compete. This will be monitored by Field Generals and tournament staff. Any players/teams that are caught switching wristbands or competing without a wristband will be automatically eliminated from the tournament. PLAYERS CANNOT PLAY ON MORE THAN ONE TEAM FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE EVENT.


Every participant will be required to check in at the registration table. Please arrive an hour before game time to allow time for the registration process.

ALL teams must have all players registered in Zorts in order to expedite the certification process. YOU MAY HAVE TO WAIT behind teams that completed this process properly.

RZE events strive to ensure fair and equitable play. As such, we will check to ensure all players meet the age requirements by division.  All players will be banded during registration. DO NOT REMOVE THE BAND OR RECERTIFICATION WILL BE REQUIRED.

If found guilty of using illegal players, both players and team will be eliminated immediately.




HS – Must have a picture ID along with a document demonstrating the player is in a class below 2024. No graduating seniors can play.

HS/Seniors - Current 2024 Seniors are allowed to participate in this division.

15u – Must be no older than 15 years of age on 1/1/25. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.

14u – Must be no older than 14 years of age on 1/1/25. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.

YOUTH DIVISIONS (Age as of AUG 1, 2024 still)

13u - Must be no older than 13 years of age on 8/1/24. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.

12u – Must be no older than 12 years of age on 8/1/24. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.

11U - Must be no older than 11 years of age on 8/1/24. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.

10u – Must be no older than 10 years of age on 8/1/24. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.

9u - Must be no older than 9 years of age on 8/1/24. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.

8u – Must be no older than 8 years of age on 8/1/24. Must be able to demonstrate age with picture ID.  Examples include, any government issued ID, birth certificate along with a picture ID, etc.


HS/18U (7v7 Hybrid RZE/HS Flag Rules) Current High School 9th-12th

14U (5v5 USA Flag Rules) Age as of 8/1/24

12U (5v5 USA Flag Rules) Age as of 8/1/24


  1. Please be at the field at least 30 mins early and ready to play as RZE reserves the right to start games early.

  2. Each game will last 25 minutes.

  3. Running clock with no timeouts.

  4. Teams must be onsite and ready to start on time. Game clock will start at the original scheduled game time or the game time specified by the event Director.  Five minutes late, 7 points will be awarded to the team that is present on time and they will posses the ball first.  Ten minutes late, the team will forfeit the game.  A win by forfeit will result in a 14-0 final score. NOTE that the Field Marshall has the final say on teams running late, as some times they are held up from other fields delayed by injury or OT. (Registration will not be a reason to hold up games.  Game times are final and you must be at the field ready to compete by game time.)

  5. If a touchdown is scored and time runs out, the scoring team will be allowed an extra point attempt.

  6. The head official will keep the time and will be located by the offensive huddle; The head official will blow the whistle to start the clock.


  1. Offense will start on the 40 yard-line with the option of using either hash. First downs will be at the 25-yard line and 10-yard lines. Once the 1st down is achieved inside the 10-yard line you will have three (3) downs to score.

  2. Offense has three (3) downs to gain a first down.

  3. Each team must possess off the QB tee (If available), must provide a center to snap the ball off the tee if in shotgun. If using a center, he is ineligible to catch a pass, and must take a quick knee alongside the QB tee.

  4. After a score, the offense can take an automatic one (1) point, or go for two (2) points at 10-yard line. The offense may place the ball either on the hash or the middle. Coach must declare ASAP and cannot change mind!

  5. The offensive team may run the ball on ANY DOWN (Example they can run 1st 2nd and 3RD if they choose). All forms of runs and handoffs are permitted.

  6. The 1ST player to receive the ball from the center is considered the QB and can NOT run. The 2nd player to possess the ball is the runner and is not allowed to throw or lateral the ball.


  8. Fumbled shot-gun snap is a dead ball (loss of down), and the ball will return to the original line of scrimmage. All fumbles are dead where they lay.

  9. Offensive team is responsible for retrieving and returning the ball to the previous spot or the new line of scrimmage.

  10. All offensive formations must be legal sets. Receivers’ alignment should respect the tackle box.

  11. All offensive substitutions must enter through the back of the offense. (Adding a player late from the sideline with the intent to trick the defense will result in a penalty & loss of down)

  12. The Goal Post are out of bounds.


  1. Six (6) points for a touchdown

  2. One (1) point for a PAT from 5-yard line (Automatic during regulation)

  3. Two (2) points for a PAT from 10-yard line

  4. NO points for a defensive stop!

  5. One (1) Point for an Interception (Plus Ball at the 30-yd line)

  6. Turnover on a PAT is dead ball (including interception) and no points will be given

  7. If there is an interception that occurs with no time on the clock, the defense will still be awarded one (1) point for the interception.

  8. Official scores will be kept by the Refs on the Field, and reported to the Field Monitor to update on Zorts.


  1. False Start = Loss of Down

  2. Delay of Game = Loss of Down

  3. Each team will have 25 seconds to snap the ball once it has been marked ready for play; delay of game penalty will be assessed.

  4. Offensive Pass Interference = 5-yard penalty and Loss of Down

  5. If there is an offensive penalty at the 40 yard line, the Offensive team will just be penalized with a loss of down.  (ex. 1st Down, Offensive Pass Interference penalty @ 40 yard line, next play will be 2nd down from the 40 yard line.

  6. Offensive team is responsible for retrieving and returning the ball to the previous spot or the new scrimmage spot. Clock does not stop and any delay by offense in retrieving and returning the ball will result in a delay of game and be a loss of down.

  7. Dead Ball penalties on the Offense assessed after the play would result in a 15-yard penalty.

  8. If a personal foul is assessed on a Touchdown to the offensive player, Offensive team will lose the next down which is the PAT. Ball goes to the Defense on the 40 yard line..

  9. Back-to-Back delay of game penalties will result in change in a defensive stop and defense will be given 2 points

  10. If the scoring team is assessed a dead ball penalty after a touchdown, they will forfeit their extra point opportunity.

  11. If there is an Offensive penalty (false start, delay of game, offensive pass interference, etc…) when the defensive team blitzes, the defensive team will be awarded their blitz back if the penalty is accepted.


    1. Off-sides = 5-yard penalty

    2. Defensive Pass Interference = NFHS Rule,15 yards (No Auto 1st down, unless the line of gain is made).

    3. Defensive Holding = NFHS Rule, 10 yards (No Auto 1st down, unless the line of gain is made).

    4. If Defensive Pass Interference occurs in the end zone, NFHS Rule will be applied (Half distance).

    5. Defensive Pass Interference on an extra point is half the distance for the same amount of points. Ex. Going for two (2) from the 10 yard line, pass interference occurs in the endzone – ball is moved to the 5 yard line and if converted offense is awarded two (2) pts.

    6. Any dead ball penalty on the defense AFTER a change of possession or TD would result in a loss of down for that team’s offense when they begin their ensuing possession.

    7. Responsibility to avoid contact with stationary off/players is with the defense.

    8. Dead Ball penalties on the defense assessed after the play would result in a 15-yard penalty, or half the distance to the goal from the spot of the ball and an automatic first down.

    9. Game CANNOT end on a defensive penalty!

    10. Tackling or unnecessary roughness will be an unsportsmanlike penalty (No Warning). Resulting in a 15-yard Penalty and AUTOMATIC  1st Down, and subject to ejection of the player. Diving at the legs of an offensive player will be considered unnecessary roughness. 

    11. If there is a Defensive penalty that occurs when the defensive team blitzes (defensive holding, offside, etc.) the defensive team will lose their blitz for the remainder of the game. (Ex: Defensive team blitz, offensive team scores a TD. There is a defensive penalty on the play.  The defense loses the blitz.)

    Punting the Ball will result in a personal foul, if on a change of possession, the penalty will result in a loss of down and the ball placed on the 40yd line. Two (2) Points awarded to non-offending team (See Celebrations/Punting Ball Notes).


1) “The Blitz” is defined as a player or player’s that attack the QB- “QB IS THE PLAYER THAT RECEIVES THE SNAP OF THE BALL”. Example of a non-Blitz a mesh with QB and RB, and the defender crosses the line to tag the RB- No Blitz (play-action or RPO)

2) Each team has 1 blitz to be used during game play and/or during overtime

3) If a team blitzes, there will be NO 4 second count! QB can scramble but can not run passed the original line of scrimmage

4) The Blitz can be used at any part of the field, the blitzing team can blitz as many players as they choose

5) If a team blitz’s, and there is a Defensive penalty on the play the blitzing team will forfeit their blitz. If there is an offense penalty on the play, the blitzing team can accept the penalty, if the penalty is accepted the blitzing team will maintain their blitz.

6. ABSOLUTELY NO BLITZING from the 40-yard line. This is for player safety in the middle of the fields where tents and staff reside. If a team BLITZES on the 40-yard line, they will lose their blitz, and offense will replay the down if penalty is accepted)

7. If QB is sacked/downed by the blitzer(s), the ball will be spotted where QB was sacked/downed. (There are NO safeties)

8. Blitzer(s) cannot hit/touch the QBs arm while in throwing motion. (This is for player safety, and will result in an un-sportsmanlike on the offending player)


  1. Any game that ends in a tie will result in Overtime. (Bracket Play Only!)

  2. The referee will select a team to call the coin toss in overtime, at his/her discretion.

  3. The winner of the coin flip will select if they want to be 1st   offense or defense.

  4. The ball will be marked on the 10-yard line and NCAA overtime rules will apply. Each Team has three attempts at the end zone.

  5. Only offensive scoring will count in overtime.

  6. After the 1st overtime, both teams must go for two (2) points (spot ball @ 10-yard line) after a Touchdown.

*If a game goes into a 2nd overtime, the team that gets the ball 2nd in the 1st overtime will receive the ball 1st in the 2nd overtime.  3rd OT & Beyond, each team gets ONE PLAY from either the 5-yd line for (1) point -or- 10-yd line for (2) points until a winner is decided!


All regulation rules and penalties apply.


All teams will be seeded into the Day Two Tournament based on the win/loss record and points differential the day before in pool play.


  • If a player throws a punch, he is ejected immediately and cannot return for the tournament. If the team benches clear and it results in a fight both of the teams will ejected and cannot return. IF A PLAYER WHO IS PUNCHED & RETALIATES BUT DOES NOT SWING BACK, WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIT OUT A SERIES. IF A PLAYER IS PUNCHED AND SWINGS BACK, HE WILL BE EJECTED FOR THE GAME. Each team is responsible for their fans, coaches and players! (If a player or coach even threatens to fight, they may be benched by staff if not ejected!)


We encourage celebrations. However, we do not tolerate taunting. Keep it fun and keep it quick so as not to unnecessarily delay game play. If during a celebration your players pass the other teams hash, you will be penalized for taunting.

NEVER, should Players or Coaches come off their own sideline. If this happens, those that do will be ejected, and likely the team as well!

BALLHEAD NOTE: Circling or touching players from the opposite team will result in a double taunting penalty, the touchdown will count with no extra point awarded. Plus the NON-OFFENDING team will be awarded six (6) points and the ball at the 25 yd-line. Infraction may result in ejection at the discretion of the Field General.

PUNTING BALL NOTE: Punting the opposing teams ball will result in two (2) points awarded to non-offending team and the ball at the 25 yd-line, and the "PUNTER" may be ejected at the discretion of the Field General!


**Mouthguards are required. You must have one to play.**
**Headgear is recommended but not required**


Minimal leather (no composite) ball game sizes:

8U/9U Pee Wee

10U K-2
11U/12U TDJ
15U High School
18U High School

Teams may choose to use a larger game ball size, but the minimal requirements must be followed. Comparable balls are okay. and at the discretion of Field Monitor. 

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